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Dog and Other Pet Bites

Dog and Other pet bites

Dog and other pet bites

Las Vegas Dog Bite Attorney

Dog and Other pet bites

Pet bites have been in the news recently.  Maybe you read the article about the Colorado woman who was gored by her neighbor’s pet deer while she was walking in the neighborhood.  

While pet deer attack cases are not common in Nevada, dog, and other pet bite cases are very common.  This article addresses what you should do if you or a loved one is a victim of a pet attack.

What should I do if I am injured by someone’s dog or other pet?

  1. Seek medical attention immediately.    
  2. Identify the correct animal who injured you and the name of the owner.  If you do not know this information, you may be required to get a series of rabies shots at the hospital. 
  3. Take photos of your injuries.
  4. Write down any witness’s names and phone numbers.
  5. Take a recording or photo of where you were attacked.
  6. File a police report.
  7. Keep a daily journal of how you are feeling and what you are experiencing.
  8. Contact an attorney to help guide you through this process and explore getting financial compensation for your injuries.

There is an excellent website with resources to assist victims of dog bites that can be found here. 

Can I sue If I get bitten by a dog or other pet?

Possibly.  Whether you have a good case or not depends upon the specifics of your case.  Also, particular care must be taken to ensure that you file a claim against all appropriate parties. Specifically, you may have a claim against the owner of the animal, but you may also have a case against the landlord.  The landlord has a duty to exercise care to not subject you to unreasonable harm.  Specifically, a landlord may be liable if he had actual knowledge that the pet continuously escaped and failed to take any corrective action.    

How do I prove liability in a dog/pet bite case?

Nevada law does not make owners strictly liable for pet injuries. Usually, you need to show that the dog or other animal had a prior history of aggression.  It is helpful to speak to neighbors, subpoena police incident reports at the address where the pet lives, and subpoena animal shelter records to find out its prior aggressive tendencies. 

Dog Bites Attorney Las Vegas

What Is the statute of limitations for dog/pet bite claims?

In Nevada, NRS 11.190 states that a claim must be filed within 2 years from the date the animal attacked you.  However, we usually do not recommend that a person wait too long to file a claim because valuable evidence may be lost or destroyed.  Also, it can be difficult to find an attorney to take your case the closer the statute of limitations deadline is for filing.

What are the common injuries sustained by a dog/pet bite?

The most common physical injuries are bruising, cuts, broken bones, scarring, but dog attacks can also lead to death.  Many people experience psychological trauma as well, such as fear, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

What damages can I recover if I am a victim of a dog bite?

Damages that you may recover can include lost wages, pain and suffering, future medical bills, and punitive damages, if appropriate.  

How can a Las Vegas dog bite lawyer help me?

Most people tell us that they feel so much better after retaining us.  We can assist you with finding medical care.  It’s OK if you don’t have insurance.  We can find doctors who will take your case on a medical lien.  This means that they will treat you for no money up front, and we pay the doctor directly out of any settlement you receive.  We obtain your medical records for you, at no up front costs to you.  We deal with the insurance companies directly so you can focus on healing.  Many of our clients are injured people who have first tried to deal directly with the insurance companies only to be ignored, told to get more and records, and then offered almost nothing for their injuries.  They report that their experience with the insurance companies left them feeling exhausted.

Contact our Las Vegas Personal Injury Lawyer at Hinds Injury Law Las Vegas for more information about dog and other pet bites.

For more information on how can help you with a dog and other pet bites, please contact us at (702) 940-1234, or visit us here:

Hinds Injury Law Las Vegas

600 S 8th St Suite 140, Las Vegas, NV 89101

(702) 940-1234

Las Vegas Dog Bite Attorney