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Convention, Wedding, And Event Liability

In addition to these activities, Las Vegas hosts a wide variety of events each year, such as class reunions, conventions, and weddings.  Las Vegas is a worldwide wedding destination, with 115,000 weddings being performed annually.  There are approximately 22,286 conventions with approximately 6.7 million attendees.  As most of these events are not owned by the host of the party, and there is usually a third-party catering company, there are several people who may be liable for the injury.  Types of injuries we might expect to see are slips and falls, negligent security, and injuries from falling or unsecured objects.

Visitors are usually less attuned to their surroundings.  If you have suffered from negligent room security, negligent nightclub security, slips and falls or defective premises design or layout, call us immediately to review your case and discuss your options.  Time is often of the essence, as there could be valuable evidence that may be destroyed if we do not act quickly.