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6 Swimming Pool Party and Spa Safety Tips

6 Swimming Pool Party and Spa Safety Tips

Just under 400 children die yearly in the United States from drowning in swimming pools, and the most common months for injuries are June, July, and August. If you are having a pool party, you should do the following to ensure the safety of your guests:

  1. Hire a lifeguard. The cost of hiring a lifeguard is minor compared to the trauma an injury or death can have on your family and guests. Parents and caregivers mean well but can become distracted by other children, conversation, and the party. It is an easy mistake for an adult to assume that someone else is watching the children while they step away for a moment. Plus, a trained lifeguard will recognize the signs of growth that someone else may not notice. You can enjoy your party more if you know your guests and their children are safe.
  2. Limiting the number of guests to a manageable amount, ensuring a safe distance, and avoiding overwhelming the size of your pool should be done.
  3. Avoid too many pool toys that make children hard to see, and kids can get trapped. 
  4. For adults, limiting drug or alcohol consumption is the most critical factor in avoiding death and injuries in pools and spas, according to the World Health Organization.
  5. If you maintain your pool yourself or have a professional, having the pool and spa grates and drains inspected at the beginning of the season to ensure they are safe and that hair and clothing won’t become tangled or trapped is a good idea. You should also know how to shut off your system if someone gets trapped underwater automatically.
  6. Improperly diving into the pool can cause severe head and spinal cord injuries. You may want to consider closing off your diving board during the party.    

Las Vegas Swimming Pool Accident Lawyer

Suppose you or someone you love injures themselves in a swimming pool accident. In that case, you should contact Hinds Injury Law Las Vegas at (702) 940-1234 and hire our Las Vegas Personal Injury Attorney for legal assistance.

For more information on how can help you with 6 Swimming Pool Party and Spa Safety Tips, please contact us at (702) 940-1234, or visit us here:

Hinds Injury Law Las Vegas

600 S 8th St Suite 140, Las Vegas, NV 89101

(702) 940-1234

Las Vegas Swimming Pool Accident Lawyer